Gravity blankets: Are they the miracle product for a good night’s sleep?
Gravity blankets are becoming more and more popular, but what are they? Are these weighted
blankets really the secret to peaceful nights, even for me, a person with no particular health
problems? How do they work, and what does the science say? The #ProFormTeam helps me find out
if a weighted blanket is right for me and gives me tips on how to sleep better.
What is a gravity blanket, and how does it work?

To understand the promise of a gravity blanket, I look back to my childhood memories. On cold
winter mornings, I would wake up well-rested during the holidays after a good night’s sleep at my
grandparents’ house. I felt good, relaxed and energetic, having slept under the heavy blankets and
multiple quilts on my bed. A gravity blanket, also known as a weighted blanket or therapeutic
blanket, is a very heavy blanket containing glass beads, which envelops me like comforting arms
during my sleep.
The principle is based on deep pressure stimulation, with the same wellness effect as massage or
acupressure. Fairly strong pressure exerted evenly on my body affects my nervous system and
decreases my cortisol level (the stress hormone) while promoting the secretion of melatonin and
dopamine, molecules linked to mood regulation. My muscles and tendons are relaxed, my heart rate
drops, I make fewer sudden movements, and I am more aware of my body (so I escape less into my
thoughts). In short, the quality of my sleep is improving!
Have I found the secret to fighting insomnia and reducing the anxiety that prevents me from falling
asleep? According to science, it’s possible!
Why use a weighted blanket?

Gravity blankets have been studied more specifically in the context of autistic disorders, depression
or hyperactivity, and on people with insomnia who are often very anxious or who have difficulty
tolerating touch (and, therefore, benefit from massage therapy). After 4 weeks of use, the
participants in the study saw a significant improvement in most of the sleep disorders encountered:
● Better sleep maintenance with fuller, more restful nights.
● Reduced signs of anxiety, fatigue and depression during the day.
● An overall improvement in their insomnia.
The good news? The benefits were felt up to 12 months after the experiment!
Even without a significant sleep or mood disorder, I can take advantage of the benefits of the
weighted blanket to:
● Fall asleep more easily.
● Improve the quality of my sleep.
● Reduce my anxiety during stressful periods.
● Promote muscle recovery or return to calm more quickly if I work out in the evening!
How do I choose and use my gravity blanket?

In concrete terms, a gravity blanket should be about 10% of my weight, i.e., between 5 and 12 kg. I
can buy it from a shop or make it myself by adding small glass beads to the seams of a conventional
I gradually get used to its weight, starting by using it on my sofa until I can’t do without it, then I use
it on my bed for a whole night. If I find that it feels a little less effective after a few months (the body
adapts to everything!), I take a break for a few days and then use it again!
A weighted blanket is a simple solution to improve the quality of my sleep and should be
experimented with in addition to other healthy practices.
I do everything in my power to be relaxed and sleep better
To optimise my chances of sleeping well, I can also:
● Follow the 4-part audio series, Peaceful Sleep with Jason Stephenson on iFIT to discover how
to banish negative thoughts and calm yourself with inspiring and soothing audio meditations.
● Add the Mindfulness Sleep Technique series, a talk walk with Dr Shauna Shapiro, to my
workout schedule.
● Reread blog posts on this topic, such as I exercise to sleep better or Meditation: Managing
Stress and Disconnection.
Goodnight to all. Rest easy knowing that the #ProFormTeam is looking after your sleep!
For more tips and information around feeling good in your mind and body – Visit our other articles