

I confront my fears to better overcome them

How do I stop being afraid?
Sometimes fears are vague or unconscious, so as soon as I feel anxious or feel that something is holding me back from doing something, I start by identifying the source of my fears. I find simple solutions to regain my composure and then I make more informed decisions that are not dictated by fear. By accepting my fears and taming them, I can even transform them into a strength and make them a driving force for movement in the right direction.


8 tips to make my positive affirmations more effective (and the secret to achieving them)

How to use positive affirmations properly
Positive affirmations are a powerful tool for positive thinking. By affirming the changes I want to see in myself every day, I gain confidence and what I repeat to myself eventually becomes reality. I rely on consistency to reprogram my mind to optimism and, most importantly, I back this up with concrete action: I formulate a clear intention and then use my positive mantras to help me achieve my goals by overcoming my limitations.


iFIT Road to Recovery Part 1: I walk in Mexico with Tommy Rivs Puzey

Who is the Road to Recovery Part 1 series with Tommy Rivs Puzey made for?
This iFIT series of 20 gentle, 10-minute walks takes me on a tour of Mexico through the eyes of my coach, Tommy Rivs Puzey, who is back on iFIT after battling his illness. Accessible to athletes of all levels, these sessions, rich in cultural discoveries, can be enjoyed at any time of the day! It’s the ideal series for getting back into shape, recovering properly, warming up or taking a break from work.


I diversify my training to burn fat better: There is more to life than cardio

Which programme should I follow to burn as much fat as possible?
In addition to cardio, I incorporate two more specific methods into my sports programme: high-intensity interval training
(HIIT) and strength training. According to the latest scientific studies, these are the two most effective techniques for
burning fat in the entire body.


I’m starting to run: my 7 questions for the #ProFormTeam

How do you start running?
In the beginning, alternate between brisk walking and running intervals, paying attention to the quality of your stride and breathing to find the right pace. Once you have improved your cardio, incorporate acceleration into your sessions. Cross-training with strength training in addition to running is the fastest way to improve your fitness.


Is the Pro 9000 treadmill right for me?

Why should I buy a ProForm Pro 9000 treadmill?
Designed for moderate to intense use by various people, the Pro 9000 treadmill incorporates all the key features that have
made ProForm so successful: real-time adjustable speed and incline, iFIT Family access included for 1 year, comfort, total
immersion in the thousands of hours of training available to me, among other features. It covers a wide range of needs and
is a worthwhile investment for me and my family in the long term.

knox robinson iFIT marathon running trainer treadmill fitness health

Which iFIT trainer is right for me?

How do I choose my iFIT trainer according to my goals?
Whether I prefer rowing, running, cycling or cross-training, there’s an iFIT trainer for me. Choosing my coach on the iFIT application is easy! First, I click on “Browse”, then on “Search”, then I type the name of my favourite trainer, or I activate the “Trainer” filter to see the list of all the iFIT trainers and select mine.